REACH Proptech Marketplace


Property Management, Marketing, Data Analytics, RE Professionals, Financial Management, SaaS, Marketplace, Software and Project Management, Tenant Management, AI, etc.

Data Analytics, SaaS, Marketing, AI, Project Management, Construction Management, Property Management, Finance Management, Marketplace, CRM, etc.

SaaS, Marketing, Data Analytics, Property Management, Marketing, Marketplace, Transaction Management, Augmented Reality, Asset Management, CRM, etc.– the first social property marketing network, pairing the industry’s top talent with technology to make the buy, sell & rent experience seamless, empowering and intelligent.

Founded: 2018
Location: Erina, New South Wales
Operating Status: Active
Industries: Commercial | Marketplace

Meet the Team


Troy Rushton


Recent News & Activities

Auction activity across the combined capitals continues to rise, with 2,579 homes set to go under the hammer this week...

Corelogic: Auction activity continues to rise, but remains well below this time last year

2023-09-14 05:41:44

Many recent home buyers who have come off COVID-sweetened fixed-rate home loans are in for a financial shock...

How to cushion fall from a brutal “fixed-rate cliff”

2023-09-14 05:41:44