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How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionising the Future of Real Estate

  • 31 Jan

The first attempts to characterise human thought as a symbolic system by ancient thinkers are where contemporary artificial intelligence (AI) began to emerge. However, the phrase “artificial intelligence” wasn’t actually used until a symposium at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, in 1956, when the discipline of AI was properly established.

Most real estate agents are unaware that AI has been operational within the industry since the early 90s. The most widely recognised earliest form was an “OCR” button within Adobe Acrobat. Optical Character Recognition, or OCR, was revolutionary for an emerging paperless office in searching through scanned contracts and paperwork for clients’ names or property addresses. Since then, AI has evolved in magnitude. Self-driving cars, smart homes, and market predictions are all made possible by contemporary implementations of AI. The real estate sector gains from the same technology that enables those. 

One of the key drivers of the property technology (proptech) transition is the use of artificial intelligence in real estate. Now, commonly known as, property AI has significantly improved the online real estate experience, overcoming many of the user experience issues that have stumped real estate websites before. However, property AI extends beyond addressing issues. A number of innovative and exciting technologies that would have looked revolutionary a few years ago have been introduced by the AI solutions that are currently being utilised to alter the online property search process.

In this blog, we’ll discuss how artificial intelligence has revolutionised the real estate industry and made it more efficient for both agents and their clients.

Top 5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Transformed Real Estate

The incorporation of artificial intelligence technology has been one of the most significant recent advances in the real estate industry, which is constantly evolving. AI has the ability to completely transform the way real estate agents conduct their business by simplifying procedures, offering insightful data, and improving the client experience. Continue reading to learn more about how AI is reshaping the real estate business and the numerous ways it’s being applied to increase productivity, accuracy, and provide insights never before possible.

Tailor-made Recommendations for Buyers

Although buying a property is a significant financial investment and a crucial choice, real estate technology is continually being developed and enhanced to reduce the stress involved in the process. Recent developments in AI, particularly, are making transactions more seamless and improving the whole home-buying process. By examining a person’s search history and building a more precise image of what they actually desire, AI may further refine and streamline the search process. Based on a client’s preferences and prior viewings, AI may produce custom property listings. Quite remarkably, it can employ profiling techniques to present appropriate offers to first-time consumers based on demographic characteristics or items that were successful with clients who were similar to them in the past. Compared to manually looking through ever-expanding real estate databases, it is far simpler.

Boost Lead Generation

It can be challenging for real estate brokers to provide top-notch prospects for a property. They could spend a lot of time and engage in several conversations with potential purchasers throughout this process. Despite using their knowledge of the area and other talents, real estate agents may struggle to convert many of the leads they create. Because of this, AI’s capacity to glean high-quality insights from enormous data volumes can be beneficial for them. Artificial intelligence subsets like machine learning and natural language processing may swiftly extract enormous amounts of raw data in search of useful information. With these, agents can use deep learning algorithms to go through the crowd and locate those who are truly interested in buying a house. It makes sense to use modern technology to provide the finest service possible as customer service and attentiveness are absolutely critical drivers of real estate lead creation. With the use of AI-powered solutions, real estate businesses can easily convert more leads, automate lead creation, and respond to consumer inquiries more quickly.

Efficient Mortgage Lending

Due to its high data volume, the mortgage lending industry has a lot of potential for AI integration. AI’s machine learning algorithms can optimise the underwriting process by reducing repetitive work like file sorting and verifying. Mortgage estimations can be risky and ambiguous. With the aid of AI, real estate agents may finish the procedure effortlessly and efficiently. The smart algorithms evaluate mortgage applications and eliminate their inconsistencies. Additionally, it can examine important documents and different income sources. AI enables mortgage lenders to quickly assess the ability of a broader range of people to repay housing loans.

Hyperpersonalised Customer Service

For real estate companies looking to deliver outstanding customer service, AI is a terrific tool. Chatbots perform a variety of tasks, such as updating clients and soliciting their opinions and ratings. AI in customer service entails 24/7 availability in any language, inevitably drawing in new clients and raising satisfaction levels. In essence, chatbots powered by AI can handle the majority of customer service inquiries without issue. They can be just as successful as real estate agents themselves in particular situations, including when recommending real estate. Customers may communicate with them in a manner similar to that of an agent thanks to recent developments in natural language processing and machine learning.

Dynamic Property Valuation and Market Analysis

Real estate businesses can boost the precision of property valuations by leveraging artificial intelligence. Given the accessibility of data on real estate markets and activities, artificial intelligence and machine learning may give powerful support in processing and interpreting existing data. The use of AI involves predicting the price of a specific piece of property based on a variety of variables, including location, size, size distribution, weather, and other variables. These algorithms filter through every piece of information accessible online across different platforms to acquire this knowledge. Then, in order to determine a potential future price, factors like the rate of inflation are examined. With this, prospective buyers can predict the best price for a property. The precise estimates can improve the reliability of such data for underwriting, buying choices, approving loans, and other sectors. Master the Home Game with AI-Powered Home Buying, Selling, and Ownership Management

In partnership with real estate professionals, Milestones, a REACH Class of 2021 alumnae, transforms the home buying, selling, and ownership journey with an end-to-end digital customer experience. The platform’s mission is to provide an open, integrated, and easy-to-use solution that improves collaboration, unifies disconnected processes and systems, and facilitates lasting relationships for the benefit of everyone involved. Milestones empowers homeowners to take control of their most valuable asset, in collaboration with their trusted advisors, by providing private client portals, verified trusted service partners, and a wealth of AI-enabled tools and features. Whether homeowners are purchasing, moving, owning, or selling, Milestones is there to assist them every step of the way, making the process easy, efficient, and stress-free. 

This “Super App” offers a comprehensive set of tools to streamline and improve the home buying, selling, and ownership processes for real estate professionals, mortgage lenders, title and escrow companies, and associations & MLS. By utilising the beneficial features of AI discussed earlier such as dynamic property valuation and market analysis, hyper-personalised customer service, and efficient mortgage lending, Milestones provides real-time market insights, accurate property valuations, tailored and efficient service to clients, and streamlines the mortgage application process for faster and more informed lending decisions.

For real estate agents, it offers powerful tools for winning clients with personalised marketing, guiding clients through the home buying, selling, and ownership processes, and nurturing relationships beyond transactions, allowing them to deliver value to homeowners, strengthen their referral network, and increase repeat business. Title and Escrow companies benefit from the platform by being able to deliver value beyond the closing by helping homeowners manage their most important assets while supporting real estate and lending partners, thus helping them to strengthen collaboration with clients and deliver an amazing post-close experience. Mortgage lenders can use Milestones to stay connected to homeowners, strengthen relationships with agents, and win the next loan, which can help them increase their business and improve their customer service. Associations & MLSs can use the AI-powered capabilities of Milestones to empower real estate professionals to forge deeper connections with homeowners by giving agents strong tools to service them between transactions, facilitate stronger agent-client bonds that boost repeat business, and engage with homeowners by sharing information on education, legislation, and other key issues with them.

Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Real Estate Agents? 

Every year there are new forms of existing and emerging technology claiming to be able to disintermediate the agent in the transaction. As yet none have been successful in fact quite the opposite. In his Keynote 2022 WTF at Inman Connect in Las Vegas, Mike Delprete actually presents a report card on how those technologies and companies were faring in their quest to do so. 

Source: Youtube

One thing is certain. AI will most definitely form a huge part in changing the landscape of how the agent operates and how the transaction proceeds. Despite the emergence of modern technology, the real estate industry remains interpersonal at its core, and therefore is unlikely to be replaced by technology. While technology, especially the adoption of artificial intelligence, undoubtedly plays a significant role in supporting brokers, buyers, and sellers, it will never be a substitute for having real estate professionals who can offer in-depth local knowledge and relationship skills in a volatile emotional setting. Only a real life person with real feelings can convey the underlying meaning behind a client’s reactions and nonverbal cues. While advanced technology may be able to detect activities like mood changes, right now it cannot understand and empathise the way a human can.
The better question is how agents will learn to survive and adapt in accordance with industry changes—and at the heart of the transaction is always the relationship. So far, there appears to be no form of incoming technology that is able to forge a human connection better than humans themselves. And whilst technology continues to change around us, so long as we excel at forging and growing new relationships agents will always be central to the exchange of property for sale and lease.
At REACH Australia, we are committed to staying up-to-date on the latest property technology trends and innovations whether it’s through our comprehensive research efforts or by attending industry events.
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