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Property Management Made Easy: How to Know When It’s Time to Upgrade Your Software

  • 23 May

Managing a property is a complex job that requires a lot of time, effort, and attention to detail. Property managers need to keep track of rent payments, maintenance requests, tenant information, and other important tasks. One of the key tools that property managers use to stay on top of everything is property management software (PMS). PMS helps managers organise their tasks, automate workflows, and improve communication with tenants and owners.

According to Strategic Market Research, the Property Management Software Market was valued at USD 1.56 billion in 2020, and it is estimated to reach nearly USD 2.82 billion by 2030, showcasing a robust compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 5.73%. The growing demand for Software as a Service (SaaS) and the need for enhanced customer support are driving factors behind this market’s expansion.

As the market continues to grow, it becomes increasingly important to regularly assess whether your current property management software solution is meeting your evolving needs effectively. Not all solutions in the market are created equal, so it is crucial to ensure that you are utilising a solution that aligns with your requirements and can effectively tackle the dynamic challenges of property management.

Given the constant evolution of technology and the ever-changing demands of property managers, it is vital to evaluate whether your current PMS is keeping pace with these developments. In this article, we will explore the warning signs that it’s time to upgrade your property management software and what to look for in a new solution. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of when to consider upgrading your property management software and how to choose the right one for your business.

Outdated Software Features

One of the most significant signs that it’s time to upgrade your property management software is if it has outdated features. Features that were new a few years ago are now considered old, and if your PMS hasn’t released any product updates in years, you’re likely falling behind the curve. Outdated features can lead to inefficiencies, such as spending too much time on manual data-entry tasks, or missing out on new tools that could help you better manage your properties. Therefore, it’s essential to keep your software updated and take advantage of new features that will help you do your job better.

Lack of Cloud-Based Architecture

Another sign that it’s time to upgrade your property management software is if it doesn’t support cloud-based architecture. Classic business programs were designed to work inside isolated networks, but times have changed. If your current software doesn’t access the cloud, you’re missing out on many benefits. Cloud-based property management software offers more security for agents, managers, and property owners, allowing relevant team members to do their jobs from anywhere, on the go, offsite, and on-site. This makes it easier to communicate with tenants, handle maintenance requests, and manage your properties from anywhere.

Little or No Third-Party Integrations

As a property manager, you rely on a range of digital tools to help you manage your properties effectively. These might include tools for online payments, keyless entry systems, and communication platforms that enhance tenant relationships. If your current property management software doesn’t integrate with third-party solutions, you risk missing out on key functionality and efficiency gains. In particular, third-party integrations can help you automate tasks, reduce manual errors, and save time overall. When considering a new PMS, it’s important to look for one that offers integrations with the tools you use most frequently, allowing you to streamline your workflows and maximise productivity.

Inefficient Data Entry and Bookkeeping Tasks

If you notice your time dwindling and your to-do list getting backed up because you’re spending too much time on duplicate data-entry tasks, it might be time to figure out the cause. In some cases, spending too much time on data entry may indicate that your software lacks integration and automation. Check for software inefficiencies, such as a lack of integration like a bank sync to pull in your transactions or automation that posts online payments. When manual tasks abound, human error isn’t far away. Automation and integrations save you time.

Poor User Experience

If your existing system isn’t user-friendly, it can be difficult even for the most tech-savvy property manager. An intuitive design that allows easy access to critical information is a must in property management. Ease of use is essential to helping property managers save time and stress so they can focus more on tenant issues, prevent costly mistakes, or attend to other matters related to their position. Therefore, property managers should expect more from their software and shouldn’t have to worry about the complexity of using it. Look for a PMS that offers a user-friendly interface and provides training and support to help

Measuring the Signs: How to Determine If It’s Time to Upgrade Your Property Management Software

Upgrading your property management software can help you streamline your workflows, increase efficiency, and save time and money in the long run. By being aware of the warning signs, you can identify when it’s time to consider a change. Outdated features, lack of cloud-based architecture, little or no third-party integrations, inefficient data entry and bookkeeping tasks, and non-user-friendly software are all indicators that it’s time for an upgrade.

To determine whether you need to upgrade your software, it’s crucial to track KPIs such as tenant satisfaction, staff productivity, and operational costs. These KPIs can help you understand where your current software is falling short and whether a new solution is necessary. Additionally, tracking changes in these KPIs over time can help you measure the impact of new software.

Investing in a property management software that meets your specific needs can make a significant difference in the success and profitability of your business. By streamlining your workflows and improving communication with tenants and property owners, you can achieve greater efficiency and satisfaction. Keep an eye out for warning signs, track KPIs, and regularly assess whether your current software is meeting your needs to ensure you are always using the best tools for your business.

At REACH Australia, we are committed to staying up-to-date on the latest property technology trends and innovations whether it’s through our comprehensive research efforts or by attending industry events.

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