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Streamlining the Real Estate Game: How Market Buy is Changing the Communication Landscape

  • 14 Feb

Real estate agents have traditionally spent a significant amount of time communicating with buyers, with estimates ranging from 2 to 4 hours per buyer per listing. However, some of this time could be spent more efficiently, as only one buyer will ultimately purchase the property. Communication is a crucial aspect of the buying process and can greatly impact the success of a sale, particularly in scenarios with multiple offers. According to a study by the National Association of Realtors, 45% of real estate agents reported that communication was the most challenging aspect of their job, with another study indicating that poor communication is the number one reason for failed sales.

REACH Cohort member, Market Buy, addresses the pain point of communication by streamlining the offer process and bringing everyone up to date in real-time. This tool, initially designed for multi-offer scenarios, has proven effective in all types of sales, regardless of the number of buyers involved. It allows for real-time contact between parties and keeps everyone up to date on the offer process. This has resulted in a significant reduction in miscommunication and wasted time, leading to increased efficiency and a higher closing rate.

The technology from Market Buy not only overcomes the issue of communication but also offers a benefit to all parties engaged in the purchase process. It makes sure everything goes without a hitch, resulting in a successful transaction for all parties concerned and saving agents time and effort in their communication efforts.

Game-Changing Real Estate Management Platform

According to the Chief Executive Officer of Market Buy, John Hellaby, “we’ve bootstrapped this thing on the smell of an oily rag, and have seen 1800% growth over the last 3 years.” Backed by just a team of 5, Market Buy has always operated leanly, efficiently and with a focus on providing excellent customer service.

With numerous awards under its belt, Market Buy has grown exponentially since then and its technology has evolved into one of the most potent and flexible online offer management platforms available. In fact, a survey of Market Buy users showed that on average, they were able to close deals 20% faster compared to using traditional methods, and reported a 90% satisfaction rate with the tool’s ability to improve communication. But when asked what makes their team excellent, the answer that only matters to them is their results, “we work, we work hard, and we find a way to win while still valuing every dollar.”

The Solution for Agents, by Agents

Utilizing a platform that is truly efficient and one that makes sure you never miss an incoming offer again adds meaningful value to how you may conduct profitable work, especially with real estate agents motivated by a desire to acquire the best results for their clients. But with the aggressive growth of offer management tools in the market, what distinguishes Marketbuy from its competitors?

“We are the only company looking to solve the communication issue in a simple and real-time manner. Others have created new sale types, or even tried to copy our offer process without understanding what it is we actually do.” says Hellaby, “We also seek to maintain and protect the agent’s position as crucial to the sales process. We do not ever plan to remove the agent—they are vital to this process and we wish to enhance their position.” 

Market Buy truly believes that agents will always be at the centre of real estate transactions, and it is their responsibility to improve what agents do by making it more effective, profitable, and easily accessible—all the while giving buyers amazing opportunities and transparency and keeping sellers informed at every stage of the sales process.

REACHing New Levels of Efficiency with Marketbuy

Since receiving investment funding in June 2020, Market Buy has seen massive development. They have expanded their workforce, finished most of the preparation and development of the core infrastructure, and established the systems in place to support their team. Having put in the arduous work necessary to get ready; they are now more equipped to seize market share in the coming years. 

With the help of the REACH program, Market Buy is aiming to see tremendous growth in both Australian and US markets. For Hellaby, “it’s more than just relationships and networking for us—they’re important, but we are at a stage of the business where it’s now all about growth.”

Join the revolution of streamlined and efficient real estate transactions with Market Buy. As a part of REACH Australia’s 2023 Cohort Program, Market Buy is leading the way in revolutionising the way we approach real estate communication. 

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take your real estate business to the next level. Keep an eye out on our website and social media platforms for more updates on Market Buy and the rest of the cutting-edge companies in the 2023 Cohort Program. Sign up for our newsletter and be the first to know about new developments and how you can be a part of this exciting journey.

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