Maximising the Program

Understanding how to maximise the potential of growth programs like REACH is crucial for any business looking to scale efficiently. Setting clear personal and professional goals, maintaining strong partnerships, and focusing on core strengths are fundamental strategies that can lead to significant improvements in performance and profitability. Achieving these objectives can help businesses reduce costs, increase revenue, and enhance team satisfaction.

In their presentation, Tal Meser and Taylor Coleman shared their insights on how to leverage the REACH Program effectively. They discussed their journey of tripling revenue and cutting costs by 75% through strategic planning, goal setting, and mentor guidance. The importance of building strong business relationships and utilising industry networks was emphasised, highlighting how targeted mentorship and participation in key industry events can drive significant business growth.

What you will learn:

  • Setting clear goals for personal and professional growth
  • Developing strategic plans to triple revenue
  • Building effective business partnerships
  • Navigating mentorship and guidance
  • Utilising industry networks for growth opportunitie
Introduction: Tal Meser and Taylor Coleman

Tal Meser serves as the CEO of Tapi, a Wellington & Wairarapa-based company transforming maintenance issue resolution. With a focus on streamlining processes, Meser is dedicated to improving communication and efficiency for tenants, landlords, and property managers.

Taylor Coleman, Co-Founder and Head of Sales at Tapi since June 2022, empowers property management businesses by making maintenance a superpower. Through Tapi's ecosystem, he ensures quicker repairs, improved visibility, and client satisfaction for healthier homes.

Strategic Planning for Growth

1 Developing clear goals for personal and professional growth

2 Implementing strategic plans to significantly increase revenue

3 Streamlining operations to reduce costs and improve efficiency

Building Strong Business Relationships

1 Importance of effective partnerships in business success

2 Leveraging mentorship for guidance and support

3 Utilising industry networks to expand business opportunities

Introduction: Kylie Davis

Kylie is a prominent figure in the proptech industry, with extensive experience in start-ups, building companies, and successful exits. She is an expert on proptech, innovation, digital marketing, and technology adoption.

Understanding Mental Health in Proptech

1 Importance of addressing mental health due to high-pressure environments.

2 Economic and ethical reasons for promoting mental well-being.

3 Impact of prolonged stress on brain function and mental health spectrum.

Tools and Strategies for Mental Well-being

1 Practical brain hacks to manage stress and enhance performance.

2 Creating a psychologically safe workplace and recognising stress triggers.

3 Developing habits and resilience-building techniques for individuals and teams.

Brain Hacks for Proptechs

Mental health is a crucial aspect of any high-pressure industry, including proptech. The fast-paced, high-stakes environment, combined with constant change and high levels of neurodivergence, can lead to significant stress and mental health challenges. Addressing mental health is not just a moral and ethical imperative but also an economic one, as mental health issues cost billions in lost productivity annually. Ensuring a psychologically safe workplace is essential for the well-being and performance of employees.

In this presentation, you will explore why mental health is particularly relevant in the proptech industry and learn how our brains respond to prolonged stress. The presentation covers the spectrum of mental health and provides practical brain hacks and tools to improve mental well-being. You will discover strategies to create a supportive workplace environment, recognise stress triggers, and implement habits that boost mental health and productivity. Additionally, the presentation offers actionable insights into breaking the cycle of stress and building resilience in yourself and your team.

What you will learn:

  • Why mental health is crucial in the proptech industry, considering its high-pressure environment.
  • How our brains function under prolonged stress and the spectrum of mental health conditions.
  • Practical brain hacks and tools to enhance mental well-being and performance.
  • Strategies to create a psychologically safe workplace and recognise stress triggers.
  • Techniques to develop habits that promote better mental health and productivity.
  • Insights into breaking the cycle of stress and building resilience for yourself and your team.


Outsourcing presents a vital avenue for companies to streamline processes, innovate, and maintain a customer-centric approach. By aligning incentives and prioritising efficiency through automation, adoption, and outsourcing, businesses can optimise their operations and stay competitive in dynamic markets. From customisation to cost savings, outsourcing offers diverse benefits that enable companies to focus on core functions while delegating non-core tasks to specialised providers.

Through this insightful presentation, you will gain practical insights into unlocking growth potential. By contrasting in-house versus third-party outsourcing approaches and highlighting critical steps such as recruitment, onboarding, and management, the presentation underscores the transformative impact outsourcing can have on organisational growth. By focusing on clear communication, regular performance reviews, and team integration, businesses can leverage outsourcing to stay ahead in their industries

What you will learn:

  • The significance of outsourcing in enhancing business operations
  • How to align incentives and prioritise efficiency through automation, adoption, and outsourcing
  • The diverse benefits of outsourcing, including customisation and cost savings
  • Practical insights into unlocking growth potential through outsourcing
  • Contrasting in-house versus third-party outsourcing approaches
  • Critical steps in the outsourcing process, such as recruitment, onboarding, and management
  • The transformative impact of outsourcing on organisational growth
  • The importance of clear communication, regular performance reviews, and team integration in leveraging outsourcing effectively
Introduction: Ebonnie Schravemade

Ebonnie Schravemade is the Director of REACH Australia & New Zealand, providing strategic planning and guidance to proptech companies. With 15 years of senior leadership experience, she excels in process improvement and establishing successful business relationships.

Strategic Advantages of Outsourcing

1 Significance of outsourcing in enhancing business operations

2 Aligning incentives and prioritising efficiency through automation, adoption, and outsourcing

3 Diverse benefits of outsourcing, including customisation and cost savings

Practical Insights for Growth

1 Unlocking growth potential through outsourcing

2 Contrasting in-house versus third-party outsourcing approaches

3 Critical steps in the outsourcing process, such as recruitment, onboarding, and management

Introduction: Ellis Taylor

Ellis is the Director of Real Time Australia and the expert in all things recruitment. He helps tech firms select and form the best organizational team to lead a company to its highest potential.

Importance of Recruitment Strategies

1 Understanding the pivotal role of recruitment in organisational success

2 Insights into optimising recruitment efforts

3 Strategies for aligning recruitment practices with business objectives

Organisational and Job Design

1 Significance of designing effective organisational structures.

2 Methods for crafting clear job responsibilities and performance targets.

3 Implementation of scalable recruitment solutions for growth

Recruitment Strategies

Understanding the pivotal role of recruitment strategies in organisational success is crucial for businesses aiming to thrive in today's dynamic landscape. Effective recruitment practices not only ensure the right talent is brought on board but also contribute significantly to organisational agility, innovation, and performance.

In the presentation, invaluable insights into optimising recruitment efforts are provided. By focusing on elements such as organisational and job design, strategies are outlined to align recruitment practices with overarching business objectives effectively. With guidance offered, businesses can navigate the complexities of talent acquisition, from setting clear goals and performance targets to implementing scalable recruitment solutions. Through practical tools like Compass and Elevate, actionable strategies are available to elevate recruitment processes and drive organisational growth.

What you will learn:

  • The importance of recruitment strategies in organisational success
  • Insights into optimising recruitment efforts
  • Strategies for aligning recruitment practices with overarching business objectives
  • The significance of organisational and job design in recruitment
  • Methods for setting clear goals and performance targets in talent acquisition
  • Implementation of scalable recruitment solutions
  • Practical tools like Compass and Elevate for enhancing recruitment processes
  • Actionable strategies for driving organisational growth through recruitment excellence

42 Day Lead Generation

Inefficient lead generation strategies can impede business growth, resulting in missed opportunities and stagnant revenue streams. By implementing automated email and social media campaigns, the presentation demonstrates how to efficiently engage prospects and convert them into loyal clients. Emphasising the importance of crafting compelling offers tailored to address market pain points, the presentation ensures high perceived value and low risk for potential customers. Additionally, it highlights the significance of understanding Lifetime Value (LTV) and onboarding costs, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and optimize their marketing spend for maximum return.

By doubling down on successful tactics and remaining adaptable to market responses, businesses can continuously enhance their lead generation efforts. Looking ahead, the presentation hints at future plans to integrate successful email and social media strategies, showcasing a commitment to ongoing optimisation and growth. By following the methodology outlined in the presentation, businesses can unlock new revenue streams, increase customer acquisition, and achieve sustainable growth in a competitive market landscape.

What you will learn:

  • Strategies for boosting lead generation within a tight timeframe
  • The effectiveness of automated email and social media campaigns in engaging prospects
  • How to craft compelling offers tailored to address market pain points and ensure high perceived value
  • The importance of understanding Lifetime Value (LTV) and onboarding costs in optimizing marketing spend
  • Techniques for testing and measuring campaign effectiveness, and refining strategies based on data-driven insights
  • The significance of remaining adaptable to market responses and doubling down on successful tactics
  • Future plans for integrating successful email and social media strategies for ongoing optimization and growth
  • The potential outcomes of implementing the presented methodology, including unlocking new revenue streams and achieving sustainable business growth
Introduction: John Hellaby

John Hellaby, CEO at Market Buy since August 2021, leads global expansion and digital strategy. As Chief Digital Strategist since June 2019, he designs and implements comprehensive digital strategies, ensuring seamless interactions across all stakeholders.

Strategies for Effective Lead Generation

1 Implementing automated email and social media campaigns

2 Crafting compelling offers to address market pain points

3 Understanding Lifetime Value (LTV) and onboarding costs for optimised marketing spend

Testing and Adaptation for Continuous Improvement

1 Techniques for testing and measuring campaign effectiveness

2 Refining strategies based on data-driven insights

3 Remaining adaptable to market responses and doubling down on successful tactics

Introduction: Sam Almaliki

Sam Almaliki serves as Co-Founder and Chairperson at Settle Easy since February 2023, providing reliable and hassle-free conveyancing services. With a successful track record spanning multiple industries, Almaliki excels in strategic planning, fundraising, and operational execution.

Networking and Execution Strategies

1 Leveraging networking opportunities for investor outreach.

2 Maintaining proactive execution and adapting to investor preferences.

3 Refining the approach to angel investing to enhance funding prospects for startups.

Navigating the Funding Process

1 Identifying Opportunities and Mitigating Risks

2 Leveraging Networking Opportunities

Pitching to Angel Investors

Understanding the intricacies of angel investing demands a strategic approach and a profound grasp of investor preferences. This presentation offers invaluable insights into pitching to angel investors, stressing the importance of meticulous preparation and transparent communication. It advocates for crafting a succinct yet comprehensive pitch deck that showcases market potential, traction, and scalability while addressing potential challenges. Moreover, it emphasizes the significance of building trust through transparency, regular updates, and proactive execution, equipping entrepreneurs to navigate the funding process effectively and enhance their chances of securing investment.

By following these guidelines, entrepreneurs can refine their approach to angel investing, identifying opportunities, mitigating risks, and fostering success in securing funding for their startups. From comprehending funding stages to leveraging networking opportunities and maintaining transparent communication, entrepreneurs can position themselves for success, driving growth and prosperity in their entrepreneurial ventures.

What you will learn:

  • The importance of understanding angel investing and investor preferences
  • Strategies for crafting an effective pitch deck that highlights market potential, traction, and scalability
  • Techniques for building trust through transparent communication and regular updates
  • How to navigate the funding process effectively, from identifying opportunities to mitigating risks
  • The significance of leveraging networking opportunities and maintaining proactive execution
  • Tips for refining their approach to angel investing and enhancing their chances of securing funding for their startups

Marketing + Working with the Media

Navigating the intricate landscape of marketing and media can pose challenges for businesses, often leading to misconceptions and ineffective strategies. Understanding the nuances between marketing and media, including owned, earned, and paid media, is crucial for successful promotion and brand building.

This presentation aims to debunk common myths surrounding marketing and media while providing actionable insights for effective engagement. Attendees will gain clarity on messaging, cultivate relationships with media professionals, and learn to prepare compelling angles for coverage. Emphasising the importance of understanding journalistic terms and the unpredictable nature of paid coverage, this session equips businesses with strategies to enhance their visibility and reach.

What you will learn:

  • Recognising that earned media isn't truly free and requires investment in relationship-building
  • Understanding that media outlets are more interested in serving their audience than in catering to PR payments
  • Being clear on what you want to be known for and building relationships with media contacts
  • Being prepared with a compelling angle, evidence of credibility, unique perspective, and actionable tips or advice for media coverage
  • Being easy to work with and understanding journalistic terms and protocols
  • Acknowledging that paid coverage doesn't guarantee leads, and considering factors like brand versus lead generation, ideal client targeting, medium-specific design, and follow-up strategies for effective advertising
Introduction: Samantha McLean

Samantha is the Editor of online and print platform Elite Agent Magazine, as well as Elite Property Manager Magazine, publications for real estate professionals who want to “learn from the best” about everything in the industry, from the latest tools and techniques to international trends.


1 Marketing vs Media

2 Owned, Earned and Paid Media

3 Three Myths and Three Truths

4 Final Tips

5 How to Get New Customers While on a Tropical Island

Growth Strategy

1 Media Kit Checklist and template

2 Journalist tracker template

3 A Bonus guide to attracting leads on Linkedin

Introduction: Ebonnie Schravemade

1 Ebonnie Schravemade

Proactive Approach

1 Start-up phase

2 Growth phase

3 Market shift

4 Mergers or acquisitions

5 Finance performance


1 Automate: can you write your own tech to solve a problem?

2 Adopt: is there an out-of-the-box solution available?

3 Outsource: can I delegate or outsource this task?

Systems, Processes, Efficiencies… Whatever.

Inefficient systems and processes can be a significant challenge for businesses, leading to low productivity, high error rates, and difficulty in scaling operations. This is why it's important to establish and maintain effective systems and processes, which involves regular evaluation and improvement.

This presentation will guide you through the steps to improve your systems and processes, starting with a review of your current company structure and job roles. You will learn how to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and repetitive tasks that are taking up valuable time and how to find a solution to these problems. By taking a proactive approach to improving your systems and processes, you can save time, reduce costs, and grow your business.

What you will learn:

  • Importance of systems and processes in building a strong and efficient business
  • Indicators of inefficient systems and processes that can be damaging to a business
  • Benefits of taking a proactive approach to reviewing and evaluating systems and processes
  • Importance of communicating with employees to identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks in processes
  • Considerations and steps to take when deciding whether to write your own tech or adopt an existing solution
  • Challenges and best practices for outsourcing, including the three main components of successful outsourcing

What the Funding?!

Maybe you're wondering how much funding it will take to achieve your revenue goals, or how to attract and retain the right talent to support your growth. These are common challenges that many business owners face, and that's where a solid understanding of funding and growth strategies can make all the difference.

Through this presentation, you will learn how to assess the realism of your revenue targets and the amount of funding required to take your business to the next level. You'll also gain valuable knowledge on how to evaluate the stages of development and unit economics necessary to support your company's growth, as well as the critical elements needed to create a hiring plan and a path to profitability.

What you will learn:

  • Evaluating the realism of your revenue target
  • Determining the amount of funding required to achieve the next stage of growth
  • Identifying the necessary unit economics and stages of development to support growth
  • Developing a hiring plan for the growth phase
  • Winning customers and understanding the role of the founder in customer acquisition
  • Understanding the path to profitability and the ambition of the company
  • Identifying the gap to success and the associated costs
  • Planning for the path to the next funding round
Introduction: Tom Ellis

1 Tom Ellis


1 Importance of setting realistic revenue targets

2 Amount of funding required to reach the next level of growth

3 Identifying what needs to be true for the company to be successful

4 Calculating the amount of runway needed to adjust to unexpected changes

Growth Strategy

1 Developing a hiring plan

2 Understanding unit economics and development stages necessary for growth

3 Winning customers and scaling the company

Internal Processes

1 Defining each team member's role and responsibilities

2 Determining a path to profitability

3 Identifying the company's ambition and ensuring it is understandable

Introduction: Warren Tate

1 Warren Tate

Big Bang

1 Question

2 Opinion Statement

3 Statistics

4 Quote

5 Transport them into the future

WHAC Formula

1 Big Bang start

2 What client problems you solve

3 How you solve them

4 Anecdote

5 Call to action

The Art of Telling a Compelling Story

1 Act 1 - Meet the likable HERO

2 Act 2 - HERO encounters a road block

3 Act 3 - HERO emerges transformed

Mastering Your Brand Pitch

When it comes to mastering your brand pitch, it's not just about promoting yourself or your company. You need to make a lasting impression on your audience by delivering a powerful and memorable message. It only takes a few seconds for people to form an impression of you or your brand, so it's crucial to make that first impression count.

Ultimately, the goal is to influence your audience and win the battle for their mind. By mastering your brand pitch and using these proven techniques, you can create a powerful and effective message that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

What you will learn:

  • The importance of focusing on the needs and interests of your audience, not just your own message
  • How to make a strong first impression with your brand pitch
  • The power of the "Big Bang" technique to grab attention and convey a clear message quickly
  • How to use storytelling to create an emotional connection with your audience and make your brand memorable
  • Tips for crafting a compelling brand pitch that stands out in a crowded market, using the WHAC formula

Build Credibility With the Media

In today's digital age, media plays a crucial role in any company's marketing strategy. It's not just about having a presence on social media platforms, but also about creating a strong media presence through owned, earned, and paid media.

Whether you're just starting to explore media as part of your marketing strategy or you're looking to refine your approach, we'll provide tips and insights to help you get the most out of your efforts. By the end of this presentation, you'll have a clear understanding of how to leverage media for your business and where to go from here.

What you will learn:

  • The role of media in your overall marketing strategy
  • How to earn credibility with media outlets and when it might be appropriate to pay for media coverage
  • Tips and best practices for working with media outlets, including pitching stories, building relationships, and responding to requests
  • How to measure the effectiveness of your media efforts and adjust your strategy accordingly
Introduction: Samantha McLean

1 Samantha McLean

Working With the Media

1 Where media fits into your marketing

2 Owned, earned, paid media

3 How to earn credibility, when to pay

4 Tips on where to go from here

Buyer Pyschology Cheat Sheet

1 Trigger Event

2 Passive Looking

3 Active Looking

4 Evaluation

5 Purchase

Build Credibility to Earn Coverage

1 Topic

2 Data/Evidence

3 Unique POV

4 Tips/Advice

Introduction: Kylie Davis

1 Kylie Davis

Where Do Proptechs Go Wrong?

1 Love the wrong thing

2 Seek perfection

3 Unclear value proposition

4 Do marketing last

5 Fail to prioritise customers

6 Lose focus

7 Fixes rather than processes

8 Get the money wrong

9 Common hiring mistakes

10 Reactive rather than proactive

11 Exhaustion & burnout

How to Be a Proptech of Influence

Get ready to dive into the world of Proptech and learn how to become a Proptech of Influence. In this presentation, we'll explore the Australian property market in 2023, including key statistics on the value of residential and commercial property, outstanding mortgage debt, and sales commission.

But that's not all, we'll also delve into the most common mistakes made by Proptechs and how to avoid them. From unclear value propositions to reactive rather than proactive approaches, we'll provide actionable tips to help you succeed in this competitive market.

What you will learn:

  • Key statistics about the Australian property market in 2023
  • Common mistakes made by proptechs, including loving the wrong thing and seeking perfection
  • Strategies for avoiding these mistakes and building a culture of outcomes and responsibility
  • The importance of prioritizing customers, proactive planning, and mental wellness
  • The opportunity to connect with a marketing expert for additional support with market positioning and content marketing strategies

Assessing Candidates for Cultural Fit and Performance Potential

It’s important to not only find candidates who have the skills and experience necessary to succeed in their role, but also those who align with the values and culture of your organization.

Cultural fit can be a tricky thing to measure, but it's critical for the success of both the individual and the team. A candidate who fits in well with the culture of the organization is more likely to be engaged, productive, and stay with the company for the long term. On the other hand, a poor cultural fit can lead to conflicts, low morale, and high turnover.

So how do you go about assessing candidates for both cultural fit and performance potential? In this video, we'll go over some best practices and strategies for evaluating candidates to ensure that you find the right fit for your company.

What you will learn:

  • The importance of having a clear and specific purpose for each role in a company
  • The need to define measurable outcomes that a candidate is expected to achieve in their role
  • How to effectively evaluate candidates for their cultural fit and potential performance within your organization
  • The role that well-defined job descriptions and hiring frameworks can play in setting up a company for success
Introduction: Ellis Taylor

1 Ellis Taylor

The Importance of Clear and Specific Job Descriptions

1 Defining the Core Purpose of a Role

2 Examples of Specific Purposes

Outcomes and KPIs

1 Defining Clear, Measurable Outcomes

2 Using Outcomes for Evaluation, Measurement, and Progression

Assessing Candidates

1 Defining each team member's role and responsibilities

2 Determining a path to profitability

3 Identifying the company's ambition and ensuring it is understandable

Hiring Framework

1 Role of Job Descriptions and Frameworks in Success

2 Considering Purpose, Outcomes, and Assessment

Introduction: Natalie Fratto

1 Natalie Fratto

What Makes a Great Founder?

1 The Difference Between IQ, EQ and AQ

2 Assessing Adaptability

3 Improving your Adaptabilty

Quiz - Adaptability: Reacting to the Inevitability of Change

Q1 Natalie Fratto believes, adaptability Quotient (AQ) is a form of intelligence and is something that can be measured, tested, and improved.

Q2 Match the three different types of intelligence to the correct definitions

Q3 What are the three ways used to measure the adaptability quotient (AQ) that were mentioned in the module?

Adaptability: Reacting to the Inevitability of Change

In the modern world of innovations, technological advancements, and businesses' quest for visibility, relevance, and profit, start-up companies are fiercely competing over funding.

Most businesses, whether already established or just getting started, seek opportunities to obtain financing. This entails showcasing your company to angel investors, venture capital firms, incubators, and private equity firms and outlining the reasons why they should invest in you.

Aside from a great business model, investors are also looking for definitive traits from its founder who has the potential to drive the company forward and make it really big.

What you will learn:

  • What intelligence traits investors are looking for
  • The differences between IQ, EQ and AQ
  • Tips and tricks to assess adaptability
  • How to improve your adaptability

Mastering Your Presentation and Communication

If you think that influential public speakers are born with the gift of the gab, you would be mistaken! Presentation and communication skills are developed over time with lots and lots of practice. The most effective public speakers have spent years honing their craft, hours practicing, working with a coach, or taking presentation and communication classes.

As a business leader or entrepreneur, you will be required to deliver your message or pitch in a number of scenarios. The way you deliver your message could be the difference between success and failure in the marketplace.

Mastering your presentation and communication skills will help you present your ideas and impact the success of your business. Are you ready to master your communication and presentation skills?

What you will learn:

  • The importance of presentation and communication and how it can directly impact the success of your business.
  • How to prepare for your presentation
  • How to structure your presentation using a three-part story narrative
  • Why storytelling is the key to a successful presentation
  • How to utilise non-verbal communication skills
Introduction: Ebonnie Schravemade

1 The Importance of Presentation & Communication

2 Introduction: Warren Tate

Key Elements to a Successful Presentation

1 Key Elements to a Successful Presentation

Preparing Your Presentation

1 Understand your Audience

2 Start with a BANG!

Structuring Your Presentation

1 Situation, Problem, Solution

Utilising the Power of Story

1 The Glue - Story

2 The Six C’s of a Story

3 Mastering Your Story

Non-Verbal Communication

1 Non-Verbal Communication

Communication Can Change Your Destination

1 Communication Can Change Your Destination

Quiz - Mastering Your Presentation & Communication

Q1 How can you start your presentation with a BANG?

Q2 What should be your No. 1 focus when you are preparing your presentation?

Q3 Why is it important to tap into the emotional aspect of your audience?

Q4 Fill in the gap

Q5 Match the Six C’s of a story to the correct description

Q6 What animated TV program served as Warren Tate's inspiration for the Situation-Problem-Solution method/structure?

Q7 Fill in the gap

Introduction: Peter Schravemade

1 Peter Schravemade

Maximising Conferences on a Budget

1 Intro: Maximising Conferences on a Budget

2 Identifying Events to Attend

3 Tools of the Trade

4 Marketing and Follow-up

Quiz - Maximising Conferences on a Budget

Q1 What questions should you be asking to help identify which events to attend?

Q2 What characteristics should you be aiming for in a booth set-up?

Q3 What information should you include on all of your promotional material?

Q4 Match the marketing term with the correct description.

Maximising Conferences on a Budget

Conferences are a great way to raise brand awareness among industry professionals and key decision-makers, forge business relationships, generate highly targeted leads, and much more.

With thousands of conferences held across the globe each year, attending them all, would not only be humanly impossible, but it would also be enough to break any budget.

The key to maximising the return on your investment, no matter your budget, is ensuring you attend the right conferences, have the right tools, and utilise the power of marketing and follow up with the connections you made after the conference.

What you will learn:

  • How to identify the right conferences to attend.
  • What tools you will need to achieve a professional-looking booth.
  • A simple approach to marketing in the lead-up to, during, and after a conference.
  • Why follow-up after a conference is important.